CULTURAL TRANSLATIONS offers a wide range of professional services including consulting, seminars, keynote speeches, and expert witness testimony in a variety of areas, among them: International affairs, US Latinos, Latin America and the Caribbean, cross-cultural communications, diversity, and education.
Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández is a historian, university professor, author, consultant, and professional speaker, whose fields of expertise include international affairs, Latin America, the Caribbean, education, and Latino/Hispanic politics, culture, and society.
He studied history at the University of Puerto Rico (B.A., M.A) and Duke University (Ph.D.).
Dr. Martínez-Fernández is Pegasus Professor of history at the University of Central Florida; previously, he taught at Colgate and Rutgers Universities.
He has vast experience as consultant in the areas of education, diversity, transcultural communications, outreach, media, and publishing.
Since 2006, CULTURAL TRANSLATIONS has served the needs of clients seeking a better understanding and successful interactions with Latinos/Hispanics and Latin America.
Our services are result-oriented, practical, and tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies, law firms, publishers, and educational institutions.
We provide research and consulting services with utmost integrity, the highest level of professionalism, and a commitment to complete client satisfaction.
Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández is a council member of GLG, a membership organization of leading experts providing business decision-makers with insights to create better, more informed outcomes.
Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández is an experienced and acclaimed professional speaker, whose multimedia presentations and keynote speeches combine intellectual substance and accessibility, as well as depth and an engaging style of delivery.
He has spoken before a wide range of audiences, from business executives to cruise ship passengers to jurors in courtrooms to college student audiences.
His public speaking engagements cover a variety of topics on the history, culture, and politics of Latin America, Cuba and Puerto Rico; Hispanics/Latinos in the United States; world affairs; and various aspects of education as well as contemporary social, cultural, and political subjects such as Latino voting patterns, workplace diversification, and intercultural communication.
Dr. Martínez-Fernández serves as media resource in his fields of expertise.
He has contributed to numerous media, among them: Time, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, L A Times, Miami Herald, Orlando Sentinel, London Financial Times, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, AP, BBC, Reuters, and the national news wire services of Spain, France, Mexico, and Germany.
Dr. Martínez-Fernández is a prolific writer on various topics of Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Caribbean history and society. He has authored eight books and over seventy academic articles and essays.
His books include: When the World Turned Upside Down: Politics, Culture, and the Unimaginable Events of 2019-2022, Fighting Slavery in the Caribbean, Revolutionary Cuba: A History, widely acclaimed as the most comprehensive and systematic study on the subject ever written and Key to the New World: A History of Early Colonial Cuba, winner of the 2018 Florida Book Awards' Bronze Medal for General Nonfiction and 2019 International Latino Book Awards Gold Medal (History Category).
He served as Chief Editor of the multiple award-winning Encyclopedia of Cuba.
Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández has written opinion columns for over three decades for a wide range of periodical publications, including The Christian Science Monitor, Miami Herald, and Orlando Sentinel. In 2019, he began to publish regular opinion columns for The Globe Post.
From September 2020 to April 2023, he wrote weekly, nationally syndicated columns distributed by Creators Syndicate. His columns covered a wide range of subjects, including global affairs, politics, history, education, world cultures, and other contemporary subjects.
His column on the killing of George Floyd and its aftermath won second place in the National Society of Newspaper Columnists Contest (online category, 2021).
Hispanic Heritage Month 2024 is only a few weeks away!
In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the designation of Hispanic Heritage Week. Two decades later, it was expanded to Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated each year between September 15 and October 15. The month offers special opportunities for businesses, government entities, and educational and community organizations to highlight the cultural and social contributions of the sixty-six million Latinos residing in the United States.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, also known as Latinx Month, with an event that combines intellectual substance and accessibility, as well as depth and an engaging style of delivery. Multiple book-award winning author and nationally syndicated columnist Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández is available for speaking engagements, keynotes, and workshops during Hispanic Heritage Month and throughout the year.
· Beyond Salsa Dancing, Sombreros and Empanadas: Latin America's Cultural Wealth
· Translating Hispanic/Latino Cultures
· How to Best Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
· Who Is Missing at the Table? Creating an Institutional Culture of Diversity and Inclusiveness
· Don Quixote in the Boardroom: Hispanic/Latino Culture, a Toolbox for Business Success
· The Art and Diplomacy of Haggling: Lessons in Cross-Cultural Communication
· Toward a Global Culture? Not Quite Yet
· A Latino in the US Academy: Wounds and Medals from the Battlefields
· I Never Left the Classroom; and You Shouldn't Either
· Cast in Bronze and Chiselled out of Stone: The Story of the Caribbean as Told by Its Statues
· A History of the Caribbean in Fifteen Pictures
· Puerto Rico's Political Status in Historical Perspective
· Integrating Latin American and Caribbean History into the Curriculum
Dr. Philips Center for Performing Arts, Orlando, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, National Council for History Education, NASCAR, Designory Advertising, Adsmovil, Cuban American Bar Association, Puerto Rico Bar Association, The Jefferson Monticello, Miami Book Fair International, Kennedy Space Center, National Humanities Center, National Society of Newspaper Columnists, and International Association of Tour Directors and Guides.
Dr. Luis Martinez-Fernandez is a historian, university professor, nationally syndicated columnist, and public speaker whose fields of expertise include Latin America, the Caribbean, education, world cultures, and Latino/Hispanic politics, culture, and society. Find further information at Luis Martínez-Fernández on Wikipedia and the website:
Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández,
Opera Plus Productions is an innovative concept conceived by Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández. It combines the imagination, knowledge, talents, and expertise of historians, chefs, and musical performers to produce world-class, historically-themed transdisciplinary and multisensorial events.
Entitled "The Banquet of Waterloo," the first project in the series includes a food history text (script/essay/book), a twelve-course menu and music allusive to the location, events, warring nations, protagonists, and foot soldiers of the Battle of Waterloo (1815). The actual banquet includes brief introductory comments by historians and chefs, as well as musical performances.
For further information and potential collaborations, please contact Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández.
Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández is pleased to announce the publication of his latest book, When the World Turned Upside Down: Politics, Culture, and the Unimaginable Events of 2019-2022. Available from Peter Lang, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.